β€œThis is to clarify that there is no Red Tide toxin (Harmful Algal Bloom) in the waters of Bolinao, Pangasinan.” The latest Shellfish Bulletin (SB) released by the Bureau is SB No. 32 dated December 19, 2024, stating that “…mariculture areas in Infanta, coastal waters of Bolinao, Anda, Alaminos, Sual, and Wawa, Bani in Pangasinan; mariculture areas in Rosario and Sto. Tomas in La Union…” continue to be FREE FROM TOXIC RED TIDE. Furthermore, no local advisory has been issued indicating the presence of Red Tide in Bolinao since 2022.

BFAR continuously and regularly monitors water quality parameters in Bolinao and other major mariculture production areas in the region, in coordination with the Local Government Units, to ensure the timely issuance of warnings and guidance when necessary.

We encourage the media and the public to contact the BFAR directly for clarification on similar matters in the future. The public is urged to verify and cross-check information, especially from social media, to avoid the spread of misinformation.